Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 169: Wuxia Ha Ha

Jon and Adam discuss laboratory accidents, the movie film Interstellar (one of those walkie-talkies), the upcoming avengers film, the chinese art of Wuxia Films.  Adam is left to fend for himself, and the boys invent a new app.  China discovered faster than light travel, and the Avatar sequel will be a revival of Cats the musical.. IN SPACE!


Born in the Eighties Wrestler Rankings May 2015

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Here are your updated Born in the Eighties Podcast Wrestler Wrankings for May 2015. Check it out after the jump!

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 168: Clock Talk

Jon and Adam chat about Star Citizens, Computer Gate 2015, futurism, full body transplants, the hearsay of Hari Vani, the “Food Babe”. Basically Jon rants a lot. They also chat about lots of other things including Extreme Rules 2015 predictions.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 167: You Got a Bran Cookin’

Jon and Adam chat about the state of Game of Thrones, the classic car chase epic Furious 7, movie theatre technology, and Jon rants quite a bit. Who would have guessed? Adam gushes about Daredevil, and Jon wonders about Anime voice acting quality. All that and some wrestling apathy on this week’s born in the eighties.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 166: Coachr

Adam and Jon talk about life n stuff, cheating on game shows, dial up internet, and much more. Jon pitches to the world his new app Coachr, Jon will be your life coach. You need motivation, you come to this guy, he will get ON YOUR ASS.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts Uncategorized

Born in the Eighties 164: THESE People…

Jon rages against the whole “geek chic” culture, Adam desperately tries to remember things from a movie HE JUST SAW. The guys also talk about wrassling and so much more.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 163: The John Cenas of the Forest

The guys speed through an episode that is EXACTLY 1 hour long, so they can return to playing games online. Fucking dragons, amirite?

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 162: Dire Care Bear

Carebears everywhere. Beware. Everybody get bummed. Jon goes into to ultimate misery vampire mode.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 161: Top Elves

Adam and Jon talk about everything from low elves to high elves to side elves to top elves. They also gab about the upcoming AMC preacher tv series, Adam attempts to survive a plane crash, and Jon rants about overspending on podcast equipment. Jon and Adam also make a bet about the release of “The Last Guardian”. Get ready for that charity money 2024!

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 160: Miner Caroliner

Jon and Adam are bursting at the seams with things to chat about. A Wheel of Time pilot was unceremoniously excreted onto FXX’s airwaves in the wee morning hours. Jon is a-ok with the robo-revolution in the upcoming “CHAPPiE”. Adam revisits some Robin William’s “classics” and Jon talks about “Bruno”. The guys also remark on Peter Molyneux’s bad week in the press, and Jon still hates Kickstarter. All that and reactions from NXT Takeover: Rival on this week’s edition of the Eighties cast.