Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 330: The Good Doctor

Come visit the Good Doctor, have a potion! Don’t ask what is in the potion! Just drink it! Don’t buy a UV light to inspect your carpets when you have a puppy! Don’t go on Visit the Good Doctor, TRUST THE GOOD DOCTOR

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 329: H T T P Colon Slash Slash

What is that URL again? Matt plays serial cleaner, TJ is an Iphone doctor, and Jon laments a split in anime providers. Since it is a spooky Halloween episode that was totally planned, we talk about terrifying prions and missing skulls! Good luck sleeping now, Happy Halloween.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 328: Psycho Hose Beast

Battle Psycho hose beasts, the viet cong, and climate change! Matt has a preview of Fallout 76, TJ’s world ends with you, and Jon is in the jungles of ‘nam in Rising Storm 2. Cut through the youtube copyright bs and bag your leaves! Listen to BITE today!

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 327 – Intact Tomcat

Jon is now the ace of spays, as his lil pup went through her surgery. Matt is looking at eye-mouthed frogs, and playing PS4 games for the first time. TJ continues to ponder his employment, and the labor market in general as he prepares to fix some iphones himself. Drink your LaCroix now, and listen to a true story that happened, all this week on Born in the Eighties.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties Episode 326: Bowsette’s Assets

Bowsette has got it goin’ on.  For some reason talk of Mario morphs into talk of italian food.  We give more advice to the woebegone Yahoo answers crowd, and Jon details a car pranking scheme.  TJ talks about pee goats, and Matt learns about how awesome drinking turpentine is.  Lock your chompette in her kennel and listen to this episode RIGHT NOW!

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 325: To X or Not to X

Jon feels guilty for flaking on a friend, TJ is employed, and Matt has completed his podcast homework. We discuss ancient walmart finds, chainsaw usage, west of loathing, nextdoor posts, mosquitos going crazy, and haunted nursery rhyme music. TJ also starts up a new relationship advice answers section, all that and more un-safety advice this week!

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 324: Insider Deli Knowledge

TJ completes a lengthy quest on Twitch. Jon brings back an old segment, and tasks his co-hosts with homework assignments. NBA 2k19 is played, Matt’s sleep schedule is tested, and Jon is a puppy dad. Warm up the hot stove, take off your pants in front of strangers and tune in now!

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 323: SPORTS

This week we talk about sports. Jon is having a football related meltdown, and Matt has sampled one of the greatest children’s sports movies of all time. We look through the massive amount of children’s sports movies of the mid 90’s, and talk about NBA 2k19 monetization, TJ’s job hunt, and we hear some stories of things that actually happened on reddit.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 322: The Land of Ice and Dongs

Matt has returned from Iceland, with many stories from the land of the penis museum and Robbie Rotten.  TJ counts down the most toxic fanbases, Jon watches liveleak live, and we visit his neighborhood.  Also, beware of white supremacist mario, he is a bad egg.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 321: Meters “Tails” per second

Spanky and Euan from the “While Away” podcast join TJ and I for a Mattless episode of this show. We talk casinos, memes, teen titans, emulators, kingdom hearts, disenchantment, cloak and dagger, and a Penguin’s Memory. Plenty to unpack there.