Born in the Eighties Podcasts Uncategorized

Born in the EIghties 227: Podcast Metastability Event

We, apparently, are all going to die. Come find out the horrible horrible ways the world will end. We get seriously Roland Emmerich up in here.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts Uncategorized

Born in the Eighties 189: Timecop Adam

Jon and Adam chat about the Wii U, Star Citizen,fall tv shows, and reveal their dream blue collar jobs in any time period.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts Uncategorized

Born in the Eighties 186: You Get What You Get

Adam is not a communist, though he theoretically partakes like one. You know. Jon rants about youtube personalities and the high art of Gilbert and Sullivan performances. Jon and Adam both try their hand at being super spies in the superb Metal Gear Solid 5. Can Adam survive his car crashing into the water? Listen in this week to find out.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts Uncategorized

Born in the Eighties 182: Completergate 2015

Jon has moved to his new apartment, gotten his computer repaired successfully, and now is the proud owner of cable TV and DVR. Adam attended a drive in movie, and saw the best movie ever, Fantastic 4. Jon loves PLEX and moving his DVDs into the digital age, and continues to harp on Star Citizen, and Adam allows Jon to nap for FAR too long.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts Uncategorized

Born in the Eighties 179: Who Throws a Frog?

Adam has a doozy of a pickle with his internet problems. Meanwhile, robots are passing logic tests, and Adam is playing PS4 fighting games with a second controller. Jon talks playing Borderlands 2 and being the literal lifeline for someone who has crash landed on an alien moon. All that and plenty of Jon cheating with the turbo button on the controller in this week’s episode of Born in the Eighties.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts Uncategorized

Born in the Eighties 170: The Marvel Hole

We begin the episode with a Computergate 2015 update, and Jon is optimistic about his computorial futures. Adam chats about his playing of Pillars of Eternity. Discussion moves to the many deaths of Adam’s DnD Monks and Ninjunks, and the awesomeness of Good Old Games. Piracy sucks, but so do game companies. Re-release our favorite games please. (Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete). Then, Adam and Jon are sucked into a Marvel hole, where they discuss The Avengers: Age of Ultron, Marvel movies, and Marvel Comics. Marvel Unlimited is pretty danged awesome. Jon is knee Deep in the civil war, and Adam is excited for Sami Zayn on Monday Night Raw. Another awesome episode of NXT was on, and the guys speculate storylines for Payback and NXT Takeover.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts Uncategorized

Born in the Eighties 164: THESE People…

Jon rages against the whole “geek chic” culture, Adam desperately tries to remember things from a movie HE JUST SAW. The guys also talk about wrassling and so much more.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts Uncategorized

BITE 158: Book Fair Fare

Jon and Adam jaw about various generic soda brand names, as well as computergate 2015 and other technical issues. The boys discover the sheer incomprehensible complexity of the animorphs universe. Also, goosebumps books were the shiz, and those characters had great games. Jon and Adam talk movies like Nonstop, American Sniper, and Her. Plenty to love here, all that and Royal Rumble talk after the show!


Born in the Eighties 156: Don’t Take the Teleporter

Jon and Adam catch up after the holidays. They chat about Jon’s recent excursion to Illinois and how similar yet different the neighbor to the south is. Space and teleportation are definitely terrifying. A future plan is made, movies are discussed, and Jon talks tech and computer repair. Computergate 2014 is becoming computergate 2015

Born in the Eighties Podcasts Uncategorized

Born in the Eighties 148: Jewoobs

Jon and Adam talk bout vid games.  Adam’s new addiction, WWE news, and everything from Satanic monuments to band hazing, and the mysterious case of the Jewoobs.