The gang reviews some ancient technology, and discovers if they are indeed smarter than a fifth grader.

The gang reviews some ancient technology, and discovers if they are indeed smarter than a fifth grader.
I like em big… I like em chunky. I like em cathode, I like em ray tubey. Big TV bois only. Need a forklift to move that shizz.
Hey y’all, you get some of that vaccine? Shit is tight.
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Why even bother getting canceled by an internet mob, when you can cancel yourself? Bean dad, cinnamon toast shrimp guy, how the mighty have fallen
It sounds worse than it actually is.
Did the optimized SEO serve this episode to you? Did the algorithm redpill your grandmother to listen to the milkshake ducked bean dad? Will MBMBaM apologize for this one as well? Tom Hanks did nothing wrong!
We talk all things Nintendo this week on the p-cast. Keep Bowser’s name out of your damn mouth, respect the name. Hey, listen.
Ok, first thing’s first. it is not that kind of Soggy Biscuit. Grab your suicide cables and Geiger counters, we got some negative ion products to wear. They are definitely healthy and not full of powdered thorium.
The numbers just go up! Have Diamond Hands, and not paper ones. Money printers go brrr. Lol, stonks! Hedge Fund managers beware, because some crazy people on reddit have a lot of money to burn.