Jon is full of SCIENCE this week. Matt is just looking for a good organ, and TJ is working out the math on this Pi edition of the podcast.

Jon is full of SCIENCE this week. Matt is just looking for a good organ, and TJ is working out the math on this Pi edition of the podcast.
The boys try to piece together something to be excited about at this year’s e3.
Here are our E3 rumors and predictions. How well did we do? Not well at all. Enjoy E3 2018, and check back next week for our reactions to all of the gaming news of E3 2018!!!
Jon had a bachelor party and got married. Matt was a partyboy, TJ passed a difficult challenge, and we all have our social norms questioned. Back from a wedding hiatus, BITE IS BACK
Jon is getting married. Time to talk about manly things. There are a brave few of us trying to keep this thing on the rails. Jon and Lantz are not those people, join us for this very special episode.
Someone bought a new game gear game in 2018, Jon has a Virtual Boy, we all suck at Fortnite, your DNA is for sale, and the eternal battle of subs vs dubs rages on… strong as ever.
Seriously, there are like 6 different versions of the turtles in media. And no matter how many times you reboot the series, Raphael is still a tool. How can you be angry about everything all of the time? Most people plunged in radioactive waste end up dying of lymphoma. Sheesh, talk about hard to please.
Everything you read on the internet is true! That REALLY happened! Reddit wouldn’t lie to you? 360 video is not VR Porn! Also, we go old school and trip the light nostalgic with Ready Player One and .hack PS2 games.
I’ve had enough with these meme wars! I just want to play Minecraft with TJ! We attempt to solve some relationship problems in dead bedrooms, and we come up with an ingenious solution to the incel problem, and their use of very insensitive language.
Jon is moving on up! To the East side! To a deluxe home… on the street… TJ cannot remember a magical helper movie, with money rain maybe? Also, we learn that all of our favorite things were advertisements… Also, the Pagemaster was a movie that happened.