Matt is IT, Jon rants about Equifax, and TJ meets his destiny.. 2. Also Pewdiepie said the n word, so that is the world we live in now. Get ready for a heated podcast moment!
TJ regales us with his tales of the Gamestop Expo, Matt learns about competitive tickling, and Jon gives a lesson on Twitterati lingo.
The SNES classic preorder nonsense happened. Did any of us get one? What lengths did Jon go to, to get one? How many hours can a scantily clad woman stream dancing on twitch? Will the reddit boxing streams hold out all night? Find out, in this episode!
Lantz and Jon talk about lame nazis, nuclear armageddon, and the Island of Dr. Moreau. Yeah.. I guess that all fits in nicely.
We get serious a bit, before talking about the funniest words ever, as proven by science. We visit the bowels of reddit and talk PUBG stats.
What is Mayo’s southern cousin? We are afraid of nukes and WWII Imax movies. Matt’s magikarp grows, and TJ is playin’ portables.
I guess Twitch raiding is a thing. And boy do those teens love posting Nazi stuff.
WARNING: LISTENING TO THIS PODCAST WILL CAUSE YOU TO BE ‘PILLED!!! Symptoms include, pizza conspiracies, nes classic edition conspiracies, vegan conspiracies, and dating vampires. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
TJ is stuck on location preppin hawt comic-con merch, Matt ponders the future of VR, and Jon chows down on some Korean cookies. AR translation apps are awesome, and the weird reddit incel community stars in this week’s “The Bowels of Reddit” section.
Listen in to hear the tales of the HAWT GRIFTING ACTION. Face mites eat sleep and bone on your face, and there is nothing you can do about it. TJ becomes a Hyrule Warrior, and Matt dishes on Spiderman and Castlevania on Netflix