Yeah, you got your mortadell’ your gabagool, your bologna. Basic cold cuts. Head cheese is for real dudes. Get that collagen in ya.
Imagine this, you have your book-it free personal pan pizza coupon in hand, your mom pulls in to the pizza hut parking lot. You have tickets to see Fern Gully later, but right now, it is time to have a piece of heaven in the garden room. Everyone had one of those right? A vegetation lounge? A sun room? Greenhouse? Just my pizza hut? Ahh.. memories.
This is a blog where I talk about how fucked up my relationship with food is, and my current battle against both genetics and the processed food industry to be healthy.
Jon’s AT&T fiber went out for a long weekend, and that was not a pleasant time. TJ brings up the Mtn Dew spreadsheet rankings for our perusal, and something weird is afoot in the Buffalo Wild Wings subreddit. We will also educate you on “Pig Butchering” scams and how to avoid them.
You know the world is infected by the woke mind virus when even the Tabacco companies are changing their mascots. McCain never would have allowed this.
Ooooh sorry! Is your rental unit haunted? That isn’t covered under our maintenence policy. You should get the apartment cleansed, at your own expense of course. Also, how many entities did you say were staying with you? 2? Well, if you have more than 4 in the apartment, we will need to increase your rent!
Ken would probably join the union right? I would hope so, or Ron Perlman might burn his house down. Those giant enemy crabs look great in HD though right? Maybe you could mod your 3ds to play whatever game that reference is from? It has to be easier than assembling a salad right? Before we start, say it with me now, RIIIIDGGEEE RAACCCCEEEERRR!!!!
TJ takes his family into the wild wild wilderness, Spanky hates youtube, Matt ponders what alimony is, and Jon wonders about the ethics of consuming “furries”. All that and we play another round of “Um Actually”.
We have to DISRUPT the paradigm of podcasting. We Millennials four will judge our peers, and judge them harshly. We will also attempt to make this one “hearable”, as long as TJ just THINKS for once in his life.
Why does everyone have to turn their hobby into a side hustle? I just want some .stl’s man. We delve into the BITE archives and chat some history, as well as worry about the kids vlogging. Jon spills like half a bottle of gatorade on his desk, and TJ attempts to save a bird. We also talk about the Playstation Summer Games Event.