Adam and Jon talk about everything from low elves to high elves to side elves to top elves. They also gab about the upcoming AMC preacher tv series, Adam attempts to survive a plane crash, and Jon rants about overspending on podcast equipment. Jon and Adam also make a bet about the release of “The Last Guardian”. Get ready for that charity money 2024!
Jon and Adam are bursting at the seams with things to chat about. A Wheel of Time pilot was unceremoniously excreted onto FXX’s airwaves in the wee morning hours. Jon is a-ok with the robo-revolution in the upcoming “CHAPPiE”. Adam revisits some Robin William’s “classics” and Jon talks about “Bruno”. The guys also remark on Peter Molyneux’s bad week in the press, and Jon still hates Kickstarter. All that and reactions from NXT Takeover: Rival on this week’s edition of the Eighties cast.
Jon rolls in with a Computergate 2015 update, Adam chats about his new favorite show “Empire”. Jon delivers a hot promo on the USPS and Amazon’s prime pantry. The guys discuss the new Persona 5 trailer and ponder a high school life that coulda been. Adam attempts to escape from a burning high rise, and the guys talk about wrasslin’ and the upcoming NXT Takeover: Rival.
Jon and Adam jaw about various generic soda brand names, as well as computergate 2015 and other technical issues. The boys discover the sheer incomprehensible complexity of the animorphs universe. Also, goosebumps books were the shiz, and those characters had great games. Jon and Adam talk movies like Nonstop, American Sniper, and Her. Plenty to love here, all that and Royal Rumble talk after the show!
Straighten up and fly right! Adam and Jon role-play as a couple of 1940’s flyboys. That girl’s a share-cropper, I wouldn’t get caught hoofing with her, I’m as doll-dizzy as the next fella, but I don’t want to be called a lounge lizard.
Jon and Adam catch up after the holidays. They chat about Jon’s recent excursion to Illinois and how similar yet different the neighbor to the south is. Space and teleportation are definitely terrifying. A future plan is made, movies are discussed, and Jon talks tech and computer repair. Computergate 2014 is becoming computergate 2015
Jon and Adam discuss the intricacies of interversion. The guys also talk X-mas, Sony’s inability to ward off the hack attack, and world pro wrasslin’. Also, video games were played. Here it is. Happy Holidaze all!
Jon and Adam return to regularly scheduled podcasting and play catch up. They talk video games, visiting illinois, abdominal pain and where the real magic comes from.
What a long (1 month) strange trip it has been. Jon and Adam are back, we talk about High School homecoming floats, Jon pitches recruitment in the Air Force and Adam joins the cult of Apple. Jon talks about terrible computer problems he is having, Adam finishes going through the shows of the fall! A trip is planned.
Chris Rock and alien from outer space Prince were on SNL this week, how did they do?