Born in the Eighties Podcasts Uncategorized

Born in the Eighties 145: You Gotta Kill that Wizard

Jon and Adam talk about the destiny beta, tomadachi life, Kim Kardashian mobile games, battlefield hardline delays, and their lives in general. The Yogscast are in more hot water, and Mike Rowe is a bit of an elitist.

Also, PBJ is great. And that Wizard is from the GOD DAMNED MOON!

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 144: An Extra Hour in the Ball Pit

Wow. You want an extra hour in the ball pit? That will cost you. Dearly. Adam and Jon jaw about microphones without shock mounts, video games, pre-code hollywood and so much more.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 143: Carcosa

Jon lives in a health hazardous death hole that may or may not be the setting of season 2 of True Detective. Adam ponders the true merits of criticism. The guys gush over some games such as Doki Doki Universe, Strider, and Divinity: Original Sin. The TBWTCCT is postponed yet again. Things go awry.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 142: Ostrich Tango

Adam and Jon adventure into caves, reality tv programming, racist radio hosts, cookouts and so much more. Beware, foul languaged tweets within. Tune in to Ostrich Tango tuesdays on fox!

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 141: Hamm the Redeemer

Hamm is the Redeemer. He drank a gallon of sweet tea for your sins. Also, this podcast is about fighting games, battlefield hardline, other stuff. Adam teaches everyone about boring computers, and Jon laments his failures in high school drama.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 140: Pitty Patty, Fresh Meat

Adam and Jon conclude their visit while discussing such things as supermarkets, uncharted, hazing, talking computers, and much much more. Also, Pitty Patty likes it quick and dirty.

Movies Reviews

Review: A Million Ways to Die in the West

In Seth MacFarlane’s second live action offering he plays a frontier funnyman who attempts to avoid the eponymous million ways to die in the West, including a particularly dangerous duel.  Are MacFarlane’s jokes still killing it or is he firing blanks?

Born in the Eighties Gaming Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 139: Least Guardian (E3 2014)

Adam and Jon gab about the newest news of the video gaming extravaganza known as the E3, aka Electronic 3, aka Electronic artistic extravanganza, aka Electroincal Enterntainment Expository. Also, Jon and Adam rant about some stuff, etc. More like Least Guardian AMIRITE?!?!

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 138: Laundry Room Tattoos

Adam and Jon chat about the facts of life, Adam saw a film, Jon did some junk, including walking in on some backdoor Tattoos. This episode is dedicated to e3 predictions and the 2nd bi-weekual BWTCCT we watch Solaris! Forgive Jon for his computer deciding to return AGC to his mic setup (look up automatic gain control it is a BIATCH) That is all.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 137: Don’t Be a Dick to Animals

Jon and Adam talk Jon’s enevitable demise. Adam talks about Supernatural because he is in love with Dean Winchester.  Adam gabs about cheers and jeers from the X-men movie, and Jon rants about animals and Wil Wheaton again.  Seriously folks, animals are animals and people are people.  Don’t be a dick to animals, but they are just animals.