Dune, NFT’s, Pilk, Hell. End the world already.
You gotta be careful with those nozzles. This is not a reference to passing kidney stones either.
This is the episode where Jon talks about buying games on ebay, repro carts, getting your own screwdriver to open cartridges, and testing your significant other’s allergies without them knowing.
I guess like… Mario is the most famous italian-american now right? Maybe Snooki? Who knows at this point.
“I never thought Leopards would eat MY face!” sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.
Jon has a VCR that is too stubborn to work, TJ elaborates on twitch “Hate Raids”, we talk about our algorhythmic future, pine about riding the rails, rant about vaccine denial awards, and put centrism on blast.
You gotta drop out, reality is irredeemable, dance teachers are doin felonies, alpine slides are killing kids, and TJ can’t stop watching game shows! 2021 Amirite?
It is a lot of fun watching people do stupid things, like fall off of towers of milk crates, break up with their nude GF, and stop a rappin granny from having fun.
And we thought the ultimate grift was to get into the YA-universe. Turns out boomer phones is where we should have spent our time.
Spooky scary computer guy, sends shivers down your spine, shrieking SQL’s will shock your soul, seal your doom tonight.