Jon recounts a youthful indiscretion, TJ details a “hot pocket” situation, Matt becomes un-muffled, and we all take a trip into seduction-land. Grab your gofundme scam money and come along for the ride!

Jon recounts a youthful indiscretion, TJ details a “hot pocket” situation, Matt becomes un-muffled, and we all take a trip into seduction-land. Grab your gofundme scam money and come along for the ride!
Jon has a new mouse, and a new dog. Things are pretty crazy. TJ has his car broken in to, and he breaks in to a new anime series. Matt is deep into gaming with his new controller, and has some thoughts on Hollow Knight. Get your Sears Wishbook out, get a grip, and listen to this week’s Born in the Eighties.
Some big stuff happened this week. Jon was in the room where it happened. Adam got strange. Matt worked on some tunes, and TJ tries to cope with the new world of NES scalpers that we live in. Get your powdered drink packets ready for snorting! We got a Koozie Korner, train anecdotes, and so much more this week!
Jon rants a lot in this episode, you have been warned. Rimworld, hot take articles, and so much more. Jon angry! We also talk about the new superdisease that is going to kill us all, and TJ is super sick. Doot Doot Doot Doooo! Also, since it is episode 240, err. 420.. I guess Adam is not going to be able to make it.
Jon recants his trip to Chicago, blows Adam’s mind with meal prices, and complains about tourists. Adam says something about fusion reactors. Jon is recording his last episode in the shit-partment, and dreads moving all of his garbage to a new place. Adam is not down with the owl-headed Demon Andras.