Born in the Eighties Podcasts Uncategorized

Born in the Eighties 228: Giraffe is Trainable for War

Patch notes can be pretty important, TJ, Matt and Jon decide to go over Dwarf Fortress’ most interesting ones. Crystal Pepsi tasting, stranger things, gas leaks, meme olympics and No Man’s Sky. Also, ABSOLUTELY NO MORE AERIAL BIRTHS! Also, Jon will not suffer Brazilian Ignorance.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 149: Don’t Pull the Lever

Jon and Adam chat about the finer things in life.  Wrassling, video games, news, internet conspiracies, justice, and we delve deeper into the sordid tale of the once mighty fortress of Boatmurdered.  Don’t Pull the Lever

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 146: Treatxactly

Adam and Jon talk about Guardians of the Galaxy, WWE (Adam’s new addiction), video gaming news (EA Access, Playstation Plus august titles, hatoful boyfriend).  And quite a bit more.  We also begin the epic tale that is the sad story of boatmurdered.

Enjoy…. or Coldsteel the Hedgheg will mirder u!  Treatxactly!