TJ finds a list of real authentic baseball player names, Matt is into Synthesizers, and Jon introduces a new podcast game, Five Faves….

TJ finds a list of real authentic baseball player names, Matt is into Synthesizers, and Jon introduces a new podcast game, Five Faves….
Hey, so.. Ash… your mom… what time do you leave for school? What is the deal with your dad? Is he around? Let me know the details of this situation…
Jon rants a lot in this episode, you have been warned. Rimworld, hot take articles, and so much more. Jon angry! We also talk about the new superdisease that is going to kill us all, and TJ is super sick. Doot Doot Doot Doooo! Also, since it is episode 240, err. 420.. I guess Adam is not going to be able to make it.
Adam becomes a 40 year old woman, because he is fascinated by the CBS drama “The Good Wife”. Jon and Adam venture into the woods of the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Jon recants his experiences in the Dave and Busters of Milwaukee and rants about the app Trivia Crack. The guys also have their weekly Wrestling Talkdown, and discuss predictions for the Elimination Chamber PPV.
Jon got a new phone and is not loving the new season of Game of Thrones. Watch him fly off on many tangents, that is why they call him.. well.. you know. Adam attempts to describe Jupiter Ascending in less than 20 seconds. The guys discuss the Witcher 3, American Sniper, and Steven Universe’s Attack the Light. Kevin Owens pop-up powerbombs most of the wrestling segment after the episode!
The guys speed through an episode that is EXACTLY 1 hour long, so they can return to playing games online. Fucking dragons, amirite?
Jon and Adam chat about the finer things in life. Wrassling, video games, news, internet conspiracies, justice, and we delve deeper into the sordid tale of the once mighty fortress of Boatmurdered. Don’t Pull the Lever
Jon and Adam talk bout vid games. Adam’s new addiction, WWE news, and everything from Satanic monuments to band hazing, and the mysterious case of the Jewoobs.
Adam and Jon talk about Guardians of the Galaxy, WWE (Adam’s new addiction), video gaming news (EA Access, Playstation Plus august titles, hatoful boyfriend). And quite a bit more. We also begin the epic tale that is the sad story of boatmurdered.
Enjoy…. or Coldsteel the Hedgheg will mirder u! Treatxactly!