There were a surprising amount of guns in that children’s anime right?

There were a surprising amount of guns in that children’s anime right?
Jon is knee deep in BLOPS4, TJ is excited at a new pokemon game, and Matt just has to criticize everything Jon has ever done. We walk down the history of Born in the Eighties, and look at some B.S. podcasting services. Please spread the word, share quotable clips, and work that SEO.
Jon had a bachelor party and got married. Matt was a partyboy, TJ passed a difficult challenge, and we all have our social norms questioned. Back from a wedding hiatus, BITE IS BACK
What is Mayo’s southern cousin? We are afraid of nukes and WWII Imax movies. Matt’s magikarp grows, and TJ is playin’ portables.
I guess Twitch raiding is a thing. And boy do those teens love posting Nazi stuff.
We are seriously 5 years old right now.
Hey, so.. Ash… your mom… what time do you leave for school? What is the deal with your dad? Is he around? Let me know the details of this situation…
Old Habits die hard… Jon returns to his old addictions, and Adam plans on making a new one. Computergate 2016 takes another sharp turn. Pokemon cards can be worth a stupid amount of money, and are an INVESTMENT DAMMNIT! Jon Ninja’d it up in Warframe, Adam completes his tour of duty in broforce, and Jon has some unbreakable impressions of Kimmy Schmidt season 2.
Wherein we view the tapestries. Topics range from pokemon, Stardew Valley,tapestry,CS:GO,IEM Katowice,bear simulators, Coleco Chameleons, and all sorts of other gaming goodness. This is a reminder for Jon to buy a Raspberry Pi 3.
Get into the Pokemood this week. Jon is an Alpha Sapphire fanatic, Adam is still playing an old game, and Jon shares his pokemon superstitions. Jon has seen 90% of the best picture nominees and has something to say about it. Other topics include No Man’s Sky, Ghostbusters, Assassination Classroom, playstation vue,minecraft 1.9,youtuber emmys, and Gambit’s delay.