We find out what goes beyond Cosby. Is it more bowels of reddit? Video chat hijinks? Superhot VR? Canadian Monsters? Tunak Tune in to find out!

We find out what goes beyond Cosby. Is it more bowels of reddit? Video chat hijinks? Superhot VR? Canadian Monsters? Tunak Tune in to find out!
TJ and his clan are infected, Matt plays a trivia game, and Jon enters the world of pick up artists. We introduce our first milkshake duck of the week, and realdolls are hella expensive, better get your Sugar Granny to make it rain.
Matt and Jon are varying levels of impressed by Pocket Camp, TJ is a video golf champion, and we all are mystified by the ways of the reddit pick up artist community. Boo to lootboxes and multiplayer only games! Hooray for Napoleonic meme combat!
Lets light a candle for the best worst community of reddit r/incels, which has ceased to exist. The chads won people… the chads won. Also, PLAY DOKI DOKI LITERATURE CLUB, IT IS FREE!!!!
Tj and Jon tell tales of their battle on the front lines of the SNES Classic launch. Matt plays Shadow of War mobile, and we delve back into the bowels of reddit, and Jon brings everyone down with him.
We again visit the bowels of reddit, Adam extolls the virtues of the cougs, TJ educates on r/nofap and Matt becomes a Trudy Tective.
The SNES classic preorder nonsense happened. Did any of us get one? What lengths did Jon go to, to get one? How many hours can a scantily clad woman stream dancing on twitch? Will the reddit boxing streams hold out all night? Find out, in this episode!
We get serious a bit, before talking about the funniest words ever, as proven by science. We visit the bowels of reddit and talk PUBG stats.
I guess Twitch raiding is a thing. And boy do those teens love posting Nazi stuff.