Some would say whole hog, I am not one of those people. Matt and Jon chat about e3 2016 and all of the awesome games coming out this fall and next year! Oh yeah, and we saw that Warcraft movie.

Some would say whole hog, I am not one of those people. Matt and Jon chat about e3 2016 and all of the awesome games coming out this fall and next year! Oh yeah, and we saw that Warcraft movie.
Adam is some sort of fantasy sex magician, Jon is hooked on Overwatch, Matt chats about AMC’s preacher, and Jon takes a trip down Anime lane. All that and 2016 E3 predictions! Who will win the console wars? Sony? Microsoft? Will Sega make a splash with a Dreamcast 2 warehouse shooter? Don’t be part of a crime gang! Only time will tell!
Jon and Adam return from their long summer hiatus. (Jon visited adam, and then proceeded to have jury duty the next week) Very busy. But we have a podcast chock full of E3 news, personality quizzes, Computergate 2015 update, and so very much more.
Jon and Adam discuss the intricacies of interversion. The guys also talk X-mas, Sony’s inability to ward off the hack attack, and world pro wrasslin’. Also, video games were played. Here it is. Happy Holidaze all!
Adam and Jon gab about the newest news of the video gaming extravaganza known as the E3, aka Electronic 3, aka Electronic artistic extravanganza, aka Electroincal Enterntainment Expository. Also, Jon and Adam rant about some stuff, etc. More like Least Guardian AMIRITE?!?!
Adam and Jon chat about the facts of life, Adam saw a film, Jon did some junk, including walking in on some backdoor Tattoos. This episode is dedicated to e3 predictions and the 2nd bi-weekual BWTCCT we watch Solaris! Forgive Jon for his computer deciding to return AGC to his mic setup (look up automatic gain control it is a BIATCH) That is all.