Jon and Adam chat about the Wii U, Star Citizen,fall tv shows, and reveal their dream blue collar jobs in any time period.

Jon and Adam chat about the Wii U, Star Citizen,fall tv shows, and reveal their dream blue collar jobs in any time period.
Jon has moved to his new apartment, gotten his computer repaired successfully, and now is the proud owner of cable TV and DVR. Adam attended a drive in movie, and saw the best movie ever, Fantastic 4. Jon loves PLEX and moving his DVDs into the digital age, and continues to harp on Star Citizen, and Adam allows Jon to nap for FAR too long.
Come on down to Tortuga Town, where Jon and Adam will talk your ears off about Star Wars, Jon’s new Frasier obsession, the excellent “Inside Out” picture, the classic “9 to 5” film, the not so excellent movie “Get Hard” and the merely o.k. film “She’s Having a Baby”. All that and a load of bricks. Jon gets real for a moment, and Adam talk about roommates and how to get ahead in life without trying.
Jon and Adam chat about Star Citizens, Computer Gate 2015, futurism, full body transplants, the hearsay of Hari Vani, the “Food Babe”. Basically Jon rants a lot. They also chat about lots of other things including Extreme Rules 2015 predictions.
Jon and Adam talk Jon’s enevitable demise. Adam talks about Supernatural because he is in love with Dean Winchester. Adam gabs about cheers and jeers from the X-men movie, and Jon rants about animals and Wil Wheaton again. Seriously folks, animals are animals and people are people. Don’t be a dick to animals, but they are just animals.