Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 229: Totally Rad Guide to North Korea

Have you been to the DPRK bro? It is totally rad, they got this bomb-ass waterpark, and some totes gnarls waves brah! They think my white guy dreds are funny looking? Who would have thought? I just want to show people the nice side of North Korea. Make surf not war bro!

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 222: The Bet

Jon is ready to begin his illustrious muk-bang career, Matt is a budding Sourdough artiste, and Adam is all up in on the anime this week. The guys make bold  Nintendo NX predictions. Video cards, Twitch updates, and lots of awesome video game news on this week’s edition of Born in the Eighties.