Matt’s Drunken purchasing decisions lead him to an HTC Vive. Adam is present, and Jon is incensed at CS:Go betting and skin gambling.

Matt’s Drunken purchasing decisions lead him to an HTC Vive. Adam is present, and Jon is incensed at CS:Go betting and skin gambling.
Bethesda Softworks: A Subsidiary of Zenimax Media had plenty to show at this year’s E3 conference. Let’s discuss what we saw.
Old Habits die hard… Jon returns to his old addictions, and Adam plans on making a new one. Computergate 2016 takes another sharp turn. Pokemon cards can be worth a stupid amount of money, and are an INVESTMENT DAMMNIT! Jon Ninja’d it up in Warframe, Adam completes his tour of duty in broforce, and Jon has some unbreakable impressions of Kimmy Schmidt season 2.
Jon and Adam discuss a brand new type of superhero, talk about PS 4.5’s, VR’s thud of a launch, and so much more!
Watch out for that dragon yo. Star Wars came out, and Adam and Jon go on a spoiler free discussion of how they liked the film. The guys reminisce of gamecube games past, and Jon talks about his foray into the wild wooly world of VR. Jon again isn’t humble about his bundle troubles, but rocks a kickin’ butterball. Fuck Wil Wheaton.
First, a quick Computergate 2015 update, then, Adam travels back down the Marvel Hole. Jon experiences “Weeds” for the first time. Jon watched “What we do in Shadows”, and both of the guys ponder taking a “naked final”. The Simpsons say saynoara to Harry Shearer, and Jon ponders his future in virtual reality. Breton’s email is answered a month late, and Adam ruminates about his Witcher 3 future.