TJ remembers days of yooper past and plays some old xbox games, Jon has a broken turntable, and Matt is just about burnt out on WoW Classic. Sounds awful? Don’t worry, there is context within.

TJ remembers days of yooper past and plays some old xbox games, Jon has a broken turntable, and Matt is just about burnt out on WoW Classic. Sounds awful? Don’t worry, there is context within.
This is a LOOOOOONG one. Jon runs down his top 10 games of the year, and TJ and Matt share their favorite games. We take a look ahead to 2018, and share a Milkshake Duck of the week!
Mario is seriously up to some weird shizz. Yes that guy slid down a pyramid, and things are expensive in the future.
This is our e3 preview podcast we recorded the week before e3. Join us and imagine an e3 2017 that could have happened. We were wrong, bigly wrong.
We are all old. Jon’s back is disintegrating, TJ is yelling at cables, and Matt is pondering grown up things in podcast for adults. We say a bittersweet goodbye to the NES Classic Edition, we hardly knew ye.. wait.. we didn’t knew ye at all… Hello fellow kids! Snapchat! Dabbing! Bottle Flips! We are with it! Right?
Jon and Adam discuss a brand new type of superhero, talk about PS 4.5’s, VR’s thud of a launch, and so much more!
Jon and Adam talk robo-love, video game news, and lots more. They also inaguarate the BWTCCT (Bi-weekly The Criterion Collection Theatre) This week they watched Throne of Blood (Next bi-week: Solaris) Jon gets grumpy and grinds his gears on Kickstarter, Wil Wheaton, subscription boxes and trendy nerds.