Yeah, that little thing is pretty important. So, don’t drink too much Nuka Victory Cola from your giant theater soda cup. Your Pancreas will thank you.

Yeah, that little thing is pretty important. So, don’t drink too much Nuka Victory Cola from your giant theater soda cup. Your Pancreas will thank you.
We go deep into youtube hole about hotwheels racing leagues. We also discuss the coin game, rasta banana prizes, the coronavirus, price gouging, and a man who doesn’t know how to live, actually.
We chat about skeezy beauty and gaming #youtube content creators. TJ is back on the Pokemon Go train, and Matt wants to hop in that boxcar. Jon rants about Call of Duty Black Ops 4, and ponders the new addiction that will be WoW Classic.
Battle Psycho hose beasts, the viet cong, and climate change! Matt has a preview of Fallout 76, TJ’s world ends with you, and Jon is in the jungles of ‘nam in Rising Storm 2. Cut through the youtube copyright bs and bag your leaves! Listen to BITE today!
Jon had a bachelor party and got married. Matt was a partyboy, TJ passed a difficult challenge, and we all have our social norms questioned. Back from a wedding hiatus, BITE IS BACK
I guess Twitch raiding is a thing. And boy do those teens love posting Nazi stuff.
We are all old. Jon’s back is disintegrating, TJ is yelling at cables, and Matt is pondering grown up things in podcast for adults. We say a bittersweet goodbye to the NES Classic Edition, we hardly knew ye.. wait.. we didn’t knew ye at all… Hello fellow kids! Snapchat! Dabbing! Bottle Flips! We are with it! Right?
Can we just stop saying stupid things on the internet echo chamber? Matt eats some gross new oreos, and the guys discuss their fave flaves. We chat about the new Werewolf-man film and old Disney Channel cartoons. Rescue Rangers Rule 34 INDEED!
Just.. too many dongs. Yandere Simulator, Pewdiepie, the ACLU bundles, Avatar and Korra. So much controversy, too much for Twitch to handle.
PSVR happened! Play the future of gaming! The Legend of Zeldo will be the next greatest hit game! Grab your trance vibrators, gird your power grids, don your costumes, over your watches, black your mirrors, and be too scared to ask out your high school crushes.