Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 322: The Land of Ice and Dongs

Matt has returned from Iceland, with many stories from the land of the penis museum and Robbie Rotten.  TJ counts down the most toxic fanbases, Jon watches liveleak live, and we visit his neighborhood.  Also, beware of white supremacist mario, he is a bad egg.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 320: Garfield’s Cloaca

Tallywhacker, donger, bait and tackle, twig and berries, johnsons, units, dingle-dang, schlong … the internet is full of them.  TJ has seen too much.  Airshow disasters, Iceland, and old sears catalogs, this episode is chock full with all of the above.

Born in the Eighties Movies Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 22 Part 1: Kevin Smith’s Red State

Lantz returns to the podcasting theatre to talk Kevin Smith movies.  The crew watches Red State and this is part one of that podcast.  Also, drinks make you talk louder and take levels worse, so things get a bit crackly.  Tune in, part 2 coming later this weekend.