Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 320: Garfield’s Cloaca

Tallywhacker, donger, bait and tackle, twig and berries, johnsons, units, dingle-dang, schlong … the internet is full of them.  TJ has seen too much.  Airshow disasters, Iceland, and old sears catalogs, this episode is chock full with all of the above.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 21: With Jay Gabel

Adam and Jon welcome common friend Jay Gabel.  The quizbot gauntlet nearly kills him, but a question about deli meats nearly kills Jon on the spot.  When cake fights pie, pie wins!  Larry Fishburne is a puritan shark in a pilgrim hat murdering young couples.  Many swear words are uttered, and Jon is flabbergasted by his voluminous vocabulary.  Listen in!