Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 320: Garfield’s Cloaca

Tallywhacker, donger, bait and tackle, twig and berries, johnsons, units, dingle-dang, schlong … the internet is full of them.  TJ has seen too much.  Airshow disasters, Iceland, and old sears catalogs, this episode is chock full with all of the above.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 319: Mission Creep

We decide it is time to #cancelwhitepeople and #freetj  This week’s free-wheelin -sode discusses quitting retail, racism, tanacon, shifty labor propositions, mission creep, weddings, card quest, and things that definitely actually happened.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 318: The Fingertip Grip

Jon has a new mouse, and a new dog. Things are pretty crazy. TJ has his car broken in to, and he breaks in to a new anime series. Matt is deep into gaming with his new controller, and has some thoughts on Hollow Knight. Get your Sears Wishbook out, get a grip, and listen to this week’s Born in the Eighties.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 317: Puppy Problems

TJ is in pain, Matt is making music and pondering fish farts, and Jon has a new puppy and is very tired.  Don’t let a cloud eat you, don’t James Gunn yourself, delete twitter and support your public library!

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 316: The Maltese TJ

We revisit a classic, condemn Twitter to death, play Hollow Knight, purchase controllers, and say goodbye to loved ones… all in one action packed episode.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 315: Scrub This!

In the age of online shaming and social media, we need to make sure we are squeaky clean, and free of anime, because it is 100% bad…. mostly.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 314: A Good Organ

Jon is full of SCIENCE this week.  Matt is just looking for a good organ, and TJ is working out the math on this Pi edition of the podcast.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 313: E3 2018!!!

The boys try to piece together something to be excited about at this year’s e3.

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 312: E3 2018 Predictacast

Here are our E3 rumors and predictions.  How well did we do?  Not well at all.  Enjoy E3 2018, and check back next week for our reactions to all of the gaming news of E3 2018!!!

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 311: Tandem Ureters

Jon had a bachelor party and got married.  Matt was a partyboy, TJ passed a difficult challenge, and we all have our social norms questioned.  Back from a wedding hiatus, BITE IS BACK