TJ remembers days of yooper past and plays some old xbox games, Jon has a broken turntable, and Matt is just about burnt out on WoW Classic. Sounds awful? Don’t worry, there is context within.

TJ remembers days of yooper past and plays some old xbox games, Jon has a broken turntable, and Matt is just about burnt out on WoW Classic. Sounds awful? Don’t worry, there is context within.
Guys, anime is uhhh problematic. There are some things we need to talk about. Jon rants about anime, Matt pushes to get max level in world of warcraft, TJ recants a previous medical episode, and we all get into some weird science.
Hey, have you heard of Disney Plus? Why it is the brand new streaming service in your home, like Netflix! Do they have bad original Christmas movies like Netflix? You betcha. Check out this film from 2017 too good to be released into theaters, so it came out on Disney Plus in 2019. Noelle
Jon rants about Downsizing for the 2nd week in a row, TJ ponders an AITA, and tries to better the world, and all Matt wants to be is a Star Wars Boi
Hoo boy, this is a doozy, this is the sex number episode! You know Jon brought some spicy Reddit relationships stories. Matt continues to be addicted to world of warcraft classic, and TJ has a story about dealing with choosy beggars.
Hoo boy, we are gonna get cancelled for this one. Jon rants about cancelling people and anime, Matt is addicted to World of Warcraft, Spanky is tired of the alliance, and TJ is overjoyed with joycon drift and SNES games on the Switch!
We podcast live from Ratchet in World of Warcraft: Classic! Jon tries to herd the group together, Matt discusses liquor bottles as art, TJ brings the egg knowledge, and Spanky wants a buff grandma.
The boys talk WoW Classic, our poopsocking strategies, and much more. Jon also brings a new segment, small town reviews, which isn’t shameless stolen from someone else. Matt is a Thirsty Whale, Spanky is a polecat, and TJ is a Minoquabat!
The boys talk about Amazon’s the boys, Spanky has some thoughts on Evangelion, Jon struggles to defend anime, and Matt chooses his Supernatural Waifu. In the end, all we want is Peanut butter cups.
Jon starts things off with some small town google reviews, and the gang ponders google maps and area 51. Tj and Matt weigh in on some relationship questions, and we all know that if you are going to film in front of the mural, you should at least tell me about it.