Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties: Christmas is Terrible 2019

Hey, have you heard of Disney Plus?  Why it is the brand new streaming service in your home, like Netflix!  Do they have bad original Christmas movies like Netflix?  You betcha.  Check out this film from 2017 too good to be released into theaters, so it came out on Disney Plus in 2019. Noelle

Saturday Day Night Live Review Television

Categorization Day (SNL October 11 2014)

SNL Alum Bill Hader returns to host, he is promoting his new film, The Skeleton Twins. He stars alongside with fellow SNL alum Kristen Wiig in the film, which has garnered some critical acclaim. Whenever a former cast member returns to the stage, things usually go pretty well. I had high hopes for Hader’s return, let’s see how the show went!