Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 380: Fieri 2020

While everyone shares tale of world of warcraft, warcraft reforged, the coronavirus, clove cigarettes and benzocaine benders, the real issue here is the lack of a Guy Fieri candidacy.  He is truly the unity option. Donkey Sauce for all!

Born in the Eighties Podcasts

Born in the Eighties 15: The Witches of Lake Waubonga

Our Fourth of July revelry has laid waste to the recording apartment.  Adam discusses the fineries of “Witchering” and how his new promotion is much more exciting than once thought.  Lake Waubonga will be Adam’s camping destination where he will be front captain of the S.S. paddleboat, doing water battle with lake witches.  Jon confuses Sarah Michelle Gellar and Sarah Jessica Parker and remembers the Flight of the Navigator as being a real dick.  Jon and Adam recount famous nightmares, and talk about how scary the grimace is.  Jon talks about his introduction to the dark world of clowning.  2 Words, Poop Steak. 3 Words Boulder Porta-potty Peeper  4 Words, Fake Japanese Pop Idols. 5 Words, Police Taser Middleton Machete Wielding Man.  Watch the documentary “Guys and Dolls”, or you might find yourself in a porta potty at a yoga festival in boulder.  Also, Mr. Peeper’s Penguins is a pretty messed up movie.