The boys talk about Amazon’s the boys, Spanky has some thoughts on Evangelion, Jon struggles to defend anime, and Matt chooses his Supernatural Waifu. In the end, all we want is Peanut butter cups.

The boys talk about Amazon’s the boys, Spanky has some thoughts on Evangelion, Jon struggles to defend anime, and Matt chooses his Supernatural Waifu. In the end, all we want is Peanut butter cups.
Matt drinks beer, Jon rants about Evangelion, and TJ brings a whopper of a doozy to the show. Clink away and drop those coins into a bucket in private, don’t wake your family please.
It is time to rewind for 2018. We don’t know anyone on youtube at all, Jon has opinions on the Netflix Evangelion redub, TJ is no-stop smashing brothers, and Matt is still taking those country roads in Fallout 76. Thank the bus driver, and Merry Christmas.
TJ will be your sodamelier this evening. Can I suggest the Mtn. Dew Ice as a fine pairing with your Evangelion on Netflix watching experience? To deal with the news of Nintendo’s settlement with the ROM websites, may I suggest a vintage Pepsi Holiday Spice? For dealing with a broken Blue Yeti Mic mid-recording, you’ll need some of the strong stuff, can I suggest an imported Filipino Pepsi Blue?