Jon has a VCR that is too stubborn to work, TJ elaborates on twitch “Hate Raids”, we talk about our algorhythmic future, pine about riding the rails, rant about vaccine denial awards, and put centrism on blast.

Jon has a VCR that is too stubborn to work, TJ elaborates on twitch “Hate Raids”, we talk about our algorhythmic future, pine about riding the rails, rant about vaccine denial awards, and put centrism on blast.
Tj’s got some tales of tooth trouble, Jon is excited about buying power equipment and flipping virtual houses. Matt is just ape-ing out everywhere, and we all talk twitch tactics.
TJ completes a lengthy quest on Twitch. Jon brings back an old segment, and tasks his co-hosts with homework assignments. NBA 2k19 is played, Matt’s sleep schedule is tested, and Jon is a puppy dad. Warm up the hot stove, take off your pants in front of strangers and tune in now!
This is a LOOOOOONG one. Jon runs down his top 10 games of the year, and TJ and Matt share their favorite games. We take a look ahead to 2018, and share a Milkshake Duck of the week!
The SNES classic preorder nonsense happened. Did any of us get one? What lengths did Jon go to, to get one? How many hours can a scantily clad woman stream dancing on twitch? Will the reddit boxing streams hold out all night? Find out, in this episode!
I guess Twitch raiding is a thing. And boy do those teens love posting Nazi stuff.
Babs Bunny, Lola Bunny, Natalie Dormer.. all in the same google image results search… What a time to be alive.
Boy, did we have a lot of problems when recording this one. What survived the technical issues was more Taco Bell talk, Dragon Warrior streaming on Twitch, and UFO sightings in Chile. Enjoy. Be warned, this is a rough one.
Let’s talk about the Nintendo Switch, talking to bots, Twitch and Youtube drama, odd sexual fetishes, and a heck of a dang lot more. Melissaphilia is the hot new thang. Get your bee beards ready!