Yeah, I know that harboring large amounts of radioactive material is not on the lease agreement.. but yeah, you are evicted.
Join the polycule! We discuss bidets, last night in soho, the house of the dragon, the orville, for all mankind, potato preparation, sandman, the current marketing problem with the term “swingers” and we personally forgive eachother for having student loans.
This is a dilly of a pickle of an episode. We do some AITA guessing both equally funny and depressing. Discover the character “Hat Boy”, and not to trust paternity tests. TJ witnesses the circle of life unfold, and Jon saw a Star Wars movie, finally.
Jon complains a lot in this one, Matt decides to leave the call, and we all hate how much we are paying to watch shit now.
Whatever you do, don’t eat Mom’s popsicles.
Well, you gotta go sometime right? Might as well get an award.
The boys talk about the boys, Jon tests his paxlovid mouth on a switch cartridge, we discuss how difficult it is to figure out which comics to buy, and TJ comes up with a new show segment.
Well, why don’t y’all come down to my big trailer!? This is exactly the type of super boring game that Jon will be interested in! Not like any of the games announced in Summer Games Fest 2022.
Don’t even ask about what happened to episode 456. Here, distract yourself with some of this.. uhh… whatever it is called.. uhh.. zippy poppy.
This rabbit man, he is cramping my style. Time to go on the internet and tell a bunch of strangers about my personal problems and insecurities. This will definitely go well for me.